Sunday, May 11, 2008


No, I’m talking about the future of hydrogen fuel cells. This technology is already here and being used on thousands of cars all across the world.You cannot buy one at the dealership though. These vehicles are equipped with home made hydrogen generators that produce hydrogen gas - on demand ��" and supplement the gas in your tank.
This technology has been around for years but only recently has come to the forefront and is gaining in popularity for those looking for ways to save on gas and help the environment.
This is not the type of technology that will one day, when the oil finally does run out, power our vehicles. There are better options. However, for under $150.00, a regular person (even a girl like me from the country) can make and install one of these hydrogen generators that allows your car to run on water and will cut your gas bill in half.
One of the neat side effects of this technology is that water molecules are broken down into their component parts, hydrogen and oxygen and mix with the fuel vapors of gasoline allowing them to burn much more efficiently and cleanly…helping clean and add oxygen to our air and reducing CO2.
I’ve been running my car on water for a while now and am thrilled with the results. I built my system in just under six hours and installed it in a matter of hours. I did not have to make any changes to my car’s engine or computer system, although I did make alterations to my oxygen sensor to allow it to burn the fuel more efficiently.
Yep, oxygen sensors are designed to keep your car burning fuel at about 25% efficiency, drastically increasing fuel usage and destroying your car’s engine. In fact, so much fuel goes through your engine unburned that it is a requirement that you have a catalytic converter installed to cook and breakdown all the liquid fuel you are wasting.
It’s truly unbelievable that you waste 75% of the fuel your hard earned dollars spend pumping it into your tank. The better for big oil and auto makers I suppose, but pretty rough on the end consumer, you and I.
If me and my fourteen year old daughter can build and install one of these devices, I would imagine just about anyone can. And you are going to cut your gas bill in half, probably more than half!

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